Vaman :
It is the process in which toxins from body specifically upper part of the body are removed by induced vomiting.
In this, patient undergoes proper oleation and fomentation treatment for some days and then vomiting is induced through ayurvedic emetics.
once toxins are excreted vomiting is stopped.
This procedure is generally carried out for kaph dominated conditions or kaph and pittaj conditions and in healthy individuals during vasant rutu
Vaman Benefits :
- Increase in appetite,improves digestion,enhances metabolism.
- Reduction of Weight
- Improves immunity
- Reduction of repeated attacks of asthma and sinusitis
- Reduction of skin patches, plaques and dryness as in psoriasis, eczema & dermatitis.
Vaman Indications :
- Asthma
- Acid Peptic Disorders
- Skin Disorders
- Allergy
- Psoriasis
- Thyroid Disorders
- Obesity
- Migraine
- Infertility
- Lifestyle Disorders
- Chronic sinusitis
Under the guidance and supervision of ayurvedic practitioner.