- 07

Sharad Ritu :
Sharad ritu follows monsoon and preceds early winter. It comprises of ashwin and karthik months as per hindu calendar that is September to November.
Weather is mild, pleasant and refreshing. Sky is clear, days are sunny and pleasant.Nights are slightly chill, cloudless and clear. Digestive fire is moderate and pitta dosha aggravates.
- Eat when hungry.
- No day sleeping,no excessive eating.
- No direct exposure to sunlight. Wear light coloured and loose clothes.
- No vigorous physical workout.
- Enjoy stroll in moonlight.Wear pearls on your body to achieve pleasant cooling effect.
- Practice Sheetalipranayama which creates a cooling effect on the body and helps all the nerves and muscles to relax.
- One can undergo virechana and raktmokshan therapy in this month.
- Food that is bitter, sweet and astringent in taste are to be preferred.
- Rice, greengram, honey, amla, patola, barley, pumpkin, gourd, melons, spinach, carrot, sugarcansweetlemon, Chicken, freshwater fish can be consumed .
- Prefer fruits such as plums, pears, pomegranates, apples, dryfig, raisins, dates, papaya.
- Meals should be accompanied by ghee.
- Herbs like shatavari, amla, chandan and ushir can be used.
- Have buttermilk with cumin, coriander, candysugar.
- Warm tea or warm milk fortified with ginger, cardamom, cinnamon can be consumed.
- Avoid food that is spicy sour and salty.
- Fried items,heavy to digest, mustardoil, redchilies, garlic, brinjals, groundnut, frozenfoods, icecream and alcoholic beverages are to be avoided.